Posts Tagged:Paneda

New small-scale DAB in Norway will use Rapid

Three broadcasters in Norway have chosen All In Media’s Rapid to manage content for their small scale DAB project. It is part of a deal with Norwegian DAB specialist, Paneda who will be suppling multiplexers and audio encoders. (Linköping, Sweden, 2016-10-03) Radio Tromsø, Radio Bardufoss and Radio Bodø in Norway has selected Paneda and its professional small…

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Paneda and Teleko conduct DAB cloud trials using Rapid

Paneda has launched a complete DAB Head-End system using a Cloud based setup in a datacentre (currently Google). The Audio sources are transferred from the Czech Republic over the Internet, and Paneda delivers a “ready to transmit” signal back to Czech Republic, also over the Internet. Using the new unique PCC, “Paneda Cloud Connector”, the…

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