Commercial Radio Australia

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The annual National Radio Conference gathers commercial radio teams from across Australia to Sydney for a day of keynotes and session. Legendary keynote speakers over the past few years including Sir Michael Parkinson, Sir Bob Geldof, Clive James, Barry Humphries, John Cleese, Kelsey Grammer and Sharon Osbourne.

We have provided the conference with their accompanying conference app for three years, and will do so again for 2014.

The conference app includes all the details the delegates need to plan their day, including details of sessions, keynotes, speakers and a map of the host venue.

When delegates have added a session to their planner and the session is almost over, they get prompted to rate the session and share it over social media. This helps CRA develop their event year after year and provides valuable feedback.

We also have a stand at the event to answer any questions.

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